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【来源:优秀毕业生--毛强 | 发布日期:2014-09-08 】



2014年9月-2017年6月,就读于重庆医科大学药剂学专业并获得医学硕士学位;先后荣获校三等奖学金和二等奖学金并发表科研论文5篇SCI,累计影响因子14分,其中一作2篇,分别发表于Behavioural Brain Research(IF=3.12)和Molecular Medicine Reports(IF=1.55),如下:

Mao Q, Gong X, Zhou C, et al. Up-regulation of SIRT6 in the hippocampus induced rats with depression-like behavior via the block Akt/GSK3βsignaling pathway [J]. Behavioural Brain Research, 2017.01.035.

Mao Q, Zhang L, Guo Y, et al. Identification of suitable reference genes for BDV-infected primary rat hippocampal neurons [J]. Molecular Medicine Reports, 2016, 14(6): 5587-5594.

Liang Fang, Chanjuan Zhou, Shunjie Bai , Qiang Mao. The C825T polymorphism of the G-proteinβ3 gene as a risk factor for depression: a meta-analysis [J]. PloS one, 2015, 10(7): e0132274.

Ling Wang, Chanjuan Zhou, Qiang Mao, Lu Sun. Serotonin-1A receptor alterations in depression: a meta-analysis of molecular imaging studies [J]. BMC Psychiatry, 2016, 16(1): 319.

Sun L, Fang L, Lian B, Mao Q, et al. Biochemical effects of venlafaxine on astrocytes as revealed by 1 H NMR-based metabolic profiling [J]. Molecular BioSystems, 2017.


发表中文核心1篇:毛强,陈惠杰,刁磊.复方蛹虫草含片的研制[J].黑龙江畜牧兽医, 2015, 5: 055